Sunday, January 25, 2009


Yesterday was our fourth basketball game and team picture day. The kids were hilarious as they got their pictures taken. Jedidiah went first and the photographer told him he would take his picture while he dribbled the ball between his legs and then spun the ball on his finger. Jedidiah sat back down and said, “I can’t do that!” The photographer told him he could choose a second option and that was to stand on the spot marked with tape on the floor and hold the ball under his right arm. Jedidiah figured there was a good chance he could handle that. The last picture was Jedidiah facing away from the camera to get his jersey number. The photographer then asked Jedidiah if he was smiling for that picture and Jedidiah spent about 20 seconds trying figure out why he need to smile for that one. The team we played seemed a lot taller and more agile than my team so I’m just glad my kids held their own against a better team. We had it tied halfway through the second half.

Church was good today. Trish and I are doing the prayer sheet for our Sunday School department. We are printing little descriptions of answered prayers and taping them to “Mega blocks” (medium sized Lego-like blocks). We are going to build a tower so people can visualize God answering prayer in our department. When it gets a little bigger I’ll post a picture. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Back to the grind tomorrow.

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