Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Maybe I can Sleep Now

Well, today is a great day. Our realtor called and told us someone has rented our house. Of course we would love to sell it but we have been paying rent and mortgage for six months and our savings has played out. This should allow us to upgrade soon to a bigger place. We have been in a one bedroom apartment and let me tell you Jedidiah is a bed hog. I would like to thank our Sunday School director Todd. He took class time two Sundays ago to pray for us and two other families in the same situation. Since that prayer, Jim and Leslie Meeks received an offer on their house and ours has rented. We pray that Randy and Toni Hunsucker are next.

I met with Jim Meeks yesterday because he is our church's minister of education. He is letting me develop a 12 week class to be taught on Wednesday nights at church. I am very excited to start teaching at my new church. This class will cover Bible Basics that all Christians should know. I also will be teaching a nutrition class for the first time as a web class at work. I just got access to the web site and have a whole two days to prepare before students have access. I work best under pressure. I look forward to a good spring semester and now that a financial burden has been lifted a little maybe I will sleep better.

Got Spurgeon?: "Ask that your love may become extended, more intense, more practical, influencing every thought, work, and deed. Grow likewise in humility. Seek to lie very low, and know more of your own nothingness. As you grow downward in humility, seek also to grow upward -- having nearer approaches to God in prayer and more intimate fellowship with Jesus. May God the Holy Spirit enable you to 'grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour.' He who grows not in the knowledge of Jesus, refuses to be blessed. To know Him is 'life eternal,' and to advance in the knowledge of Him is to increase in happiness."


  1. Oh Yeah!!! I'm so glad it rented. Praise the Lord!

  2. I had no idea that is why you haven't been sleeping!! AWW! I love you!

  3. I'm so glad to hear that it's rented! Thank GOD!!!
