Friday, January 9, 2009

Quiet Nights!

As many of you know, we are renting a small apartment until our house in Arkansas sells. If you have ever lived in apartment complexes you know that there is always at lest one neighbor that gets on your nerves. I have been pleased for the most part because you can't hear neighbors very well. But, Trish has never lived in apartments so she is a little more sensitive than I am. She referred to the guy below us as "party boy". He had a couple wild nights lasting until 3am and Trish couldn't sleep but I didn't have any trouble. She started getting on my nerves by complaining so much. Then I started noticing them slamming their door all the time and I mean slamming that vibrates the whole building and it might happen 10 times in a 5 minute period. So now even mild mannered me is started to get a little agitated. "Party boy" and his friends smoke like freight trains so if you were standing there when they opened their door it was quite overwhelming. Well, "party boy" up and disappears at Christmas break and even though his stuff was still on the patio he never returned after new years. Yesterday I saw them cleaning the carpet in his appartment so it appears he is not coming back. Trish is very happy and behaving like a decent human being again so my world is much improved. Her curiosity kills her though and she is dying to know what happened to him but I am convinced I hid the body where the authorities will never find it, ha ha. We're just glad to have peace and quiet until the next trouble maker moves in.

1 comment:

  1. You make me laugh! I can't help my curiousity. I know what all our neighbors drive, and even know some of their history. Like I know the Indian couple own the BP store and drive the maroon Honda. The Caucasian couple on the bottom floor have a 3 yr old daughter and her husband grew up down the street in Hickman. She's from Fairview. I can't help it that I am WOMAN and God made me to be interested in others.....I also know other things about all our other neighbors, but I won't bore you with the details. I know how you hate details...haha I am teasing you. Love ya! Enjoy your movie today. Tom Cruise was on The View today and the movie really peeked my interest. I think I want to see it now too.
