Well, I haven't blogged much lately from being busy. Trish and I are hoping to get moved into a larger apartment soon but some of the details we are not quite ready to release yet. School is flying by fast and I will be finishing up on May 7. I plan to go see my family in Pennsylvania in May. Today is Palm Sunday and next Sunday is Easter. Do you remember your history. Palm Sunday is the day Jesus fulfilled the prophesy of riding a colt into Jerusalem. The Messiah was expected to do this but rather than a war horse Jesus rode a donkey colt which was a sign of servant hood. People praised Jesus saying "Blessed is he in the highest" and laid palm branched on the road in front of him.
Did you ever wander why Easter is not the same day every year? The council of Nicaea in 325 AD decided that Easter would be celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full moon following the spring equinox which is March 21st. The first full moon after March 21st is this week. Orthodox Easter is celebrated the first Sunday after the Jews finish their celebration of Passover and Unleavened bread. May you all have a Blessed Easter week.
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