Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 3 Devotion – On Day One God Created Light

Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. Genesis 1:3

The creation story tells us that light was the first thing created on day one. It is interesting to me that as you study the sequence of events according to the Big Bang theory that one of the first things to happen was the creation of light. According to the theory, the universe exploded and expanded very rapidly during the first fraction of a second. The heat was so intense that all the matter that came into existence was sort of melted into what scientists call plasma. It would be years before temperatures dropped to a point that protons, neutrons and electrons could form and start combining into the first atoms. At first everything was like a dense fog but light became possible when particles first appeared. Then about 300,000 years after the initial bang, matter started to condense to form stars and galaxies. Light burst forth as the fog condensed. It is also interesting that most theologians interpret the Hebrew word for create to mean creation out of nothing (creation Ex Nihilo). The Big Bang confirms this because it also says that nothing (including space, time and matter) existed prior to the bang. This means that matter popped into existence from nothing. This creates a problem for atheists because they have to explain how matter creates itself. Comparing the Big Bang to a hand grenade going off it would be like saying we had an explosion without a cause or the grenade went off without anyone to pull the pin. Philosophy rejects this because of cause and effect. If something has a beginning it has to have a cause. Another amazing thing here is that the Big Bang theory confirms that because time, space and matter had a beginning that the cause transcends space-time and matter. Science has actually shown us the omnipotence of God by showing that he existed before time, which means he does not have a beginning. He is not bound by the laws of physics (actually he created them) and he is not a physical being (God is Spirit). The fact that the Big Bang was so organized also shows that he is a super-intelligent, caring creator who has a purpose for us.

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