Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Change of Format

Well, my study on Baptist history will end on May 6. One thing that keeps coming up in that study is how Southern Baptists were split into two groups called moderates and conservatives. We call the one group moderates because compared to liberals from other denominations they are pretty solid. But still, the moderates do diverge away from traditional Christian beliefs on things like the inerrancy of scripture, the virgin birth and the resurrection. Some moderates would say that the first 11 chapters of Genesis are just Babylonian mythology that crept into the Jewish tradition while they were under Babylonian captivity. These chapters include the stories of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, Noah's flood and the Table of Nations. Have you ever heard someone make a statement like "Science has proven the Bible wrong"? This statement makes my skin crawl because it is usually made by someone who does not have a strong background in science and also does not know much about theology. Of course finding an expert in both is going to be rare. I'm only a self taught amateur myself but because I grew up in a Christian home and have developed a voracious apatite for reading about history, archaeology and theology I have acquired a decent understanding of theological issues. My Master's degree in Microbiology shows that although I am not a Harvard PhD I do have good science training. As I have studied both sides of the issue I see gross errors in deduction made on both sides. It amazes me that the more scientific discoveries that are made and the more historical discoveries that are uncovered that the two actually mesh very well and it strengthens my faith rather than weaken it.

I have been greatly inspired by Charles Spurgeon's devotions that he wrote. They are called "Morning by Morning" and "Evening by Evening". I don't know if I will ever get to write and publish a book but maybe I can encourage the handful of people who read my blog to stay firm in their faith. I am going to write short devotions that walk us through the Bible and show how science actually proves the inerrancy of God's word. I would like to call them "Devotions for the Scientifically Minded" I will not have time to post everyday but probably two or three times per week and I will still be updating on personal and family events as well. I truly welcome any feedback you would like to give. I will immediately post the first devotion in a separate blog post. God Bless.


  1. This - I am going to enjoy! I love your studies. I think you got your love of learning from me and I am so proud of you. Looking forward to what you have to share.

  2. I can't wait for you to start this! I freely admit I am too lazy to do all the work researching these topics like you do, but I am always blessed when I have the information spoon-fed to me!

  3. Roger, this is great! I have had questions of faith lately and I believe that God will use this to answer those questions. I look forward to reading each devotion.
