Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chapter 14 Discussion

1. What is circumstantial evidence? Circumstantial evidence is material that does not prove your case by itself but does not make much sense if the other material is not accurate.

2. Would you be willing to die for something that you knew was a lie or a hoax? Most people would say no to this question. Even skeptics admit that the fact that 10 out of 12 apostles died martyr's deaths means that they truly believed the resurrection was real.

3. Can you name anyone who you never expected to see become a Christian? Did it change their lifestyle and if so in what way? I think Saul of Tarsus is the classic example here. Saul was an upcoming Pharisee. He would have been very wealthy, popular and powerful. We see he turned from persecutor of Christians to become their foremost missionary voice, this drastically changed world history and he sacrificed everything.

4. Are there any behaviors from the Apostles and disciples of Christ that do not make sense if the resurrection is all based on a lie? Jews are big on the Law of Moses, obeying the Sabbath and monotheism. The first 3000 Christian were Jews and they immediately started teaching salvation by grace, switched their worship to Sunday, accepted the Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and gave up animal sacrifice believing that Jesus' sacrifice was once and for all.

5. Many people believe Jesus is the greatest moral teacher of all time or a prophet but reject his claim of being God or the Son of God. Is this a logical conclusion after seeing the evidence presented in this book? I believe that there is plenty of evidence to show that Jesus and his immediate followers (Apostles) taught that he was God the Son. There is no indication that Jesus behaved in any unusual way to suspect he was mentally unstable. I think there are only two choices: either He was who He claimed to be or a lying impostor. If he lied to make himself look like the Messiah then he cannot be a great moral teacher. The idea He was just a man and great teacher is not a logical conclusion. If I were not a Christian I would have to reject Him completely and want nothing to do with Him or the Bible. People who call themselves Christians but reject the divinity of Christ are just living in an artificial bubble they create to placate their lives and it is unrealistic.

I hope to post my responses tomorrow. Be looking for my next lesson in the near future. God Bless.

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