Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chapter 12 Discussion Questions

Chapter 12 is about the empty tomb and Chapter 13 is on the Resurrection. This may seem a little redundant but actually you can't talk about the resurrection until you can demonstrate that the tomb was in fact empty. Here are some questions to ponder.

1. The details of the empty tomb in the four Gospel accounts vary somewhat. They vary in sequence of events, how many angels were present, what women were present, etc. Does this mean the story should be suspect?

2. Jesus being buried by a religious leader like Joseph of Arimathea seems highly unlikely, should I believe this part of the story?

3. Many crucified victims were left to be preyed upon by scavengers such as vultures and wild dogs or they were buried in mass graves. Is this a possible explanation why Jesus' grave cannot be found?

4. What does the fact that the Gospels record that the first witnesses to an empty tomb were women such as Mary Magdalene tell us about the story?

5. What do the Jewish rebuttals to the resurrection tell us about the tomb?

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