Monday, February 16, 2009

Tower of Prayer Power

I mentioned a while back that our Sunday School department started a new prayer ministry. Trish is taking the prayer requests and praises and posting them on the department website. I have taken on putting the answered prayers onto mega blocks and then we are building a tower that will help people visualize how much God answers prayers in our department. Here is a picture of what we have so far since the beginning of 2009. This has been fun and I give each person their block so they can add it to the tower. I think this allows them to feel the power of prayer. I realized yesterday I chose a ministry that allows me to play with Lego's and I don't have to share them with anyone, its great. We had fun this weekend. I took Jedidiah bowling on Friday. He loved it and I only beat him by 10 points the first game. I rented a movie called "Chicken Little" for Jedidiah and he loved it because it had aliens as part of the story, he is addicted to aliens. On Saturday we drove around Nashville looking for potential new places to move to and then we came back to Dickson and went to a planetarium show. I really enjoy paying six dollars for Trish to take a nap. Jedidiah thinks its pretty cool to watch a movie on the ceiling and he liked the way they drew lines between stars to teach the constellations and star names and locations. He now knows what the winter circle is. Well, that's it for now. See ya later.
Got Spurgeon?: "God's people are doubly His children, they are His offspring by creation, and they are His sons by adoption in Christ."

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