Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm Way Too Old!

Our men's group meets the first Monday night of each month for an activity and Bible Study. Since football season is over now we tried something new last night. We played dodgeball. I quickly found out how old, fat and slow I have gotten. From this picture from our game you will see that we took it very seriously. It was a lot of fun and I think we should do more physical activities in the future. I vote for crab soccer. I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to seeing how many people show up to my first class Wednesday night. Stay tuned!
Got Spurgeon?: "But oh! if one were absent -- oh! if one of His chosen family should be cast away -- it would make an everlasting discord in the song of the redeemed, and cut the strings of the harps of paradise, so that music could never be extorted from them."