Picture: The Islamic prophet Muhammad.
This is one of the first prophesies in the Bible. God promises Abraham many descendants even though at this point Abraham is married to a barren wife. The land that is not theirs that they will serve in is Egypt. He is told they will spend approximately 400 years in Egypt. Then he is told they will come out with great possessions. This happens following the plague of the firstborn. Lastly, we see that it will be the fourth generation that they come out. The genealogy of Exodus chapter six will show us these four generations.
And the Angel of the LORD said to her: “Behold, you are with child, And you shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, Because the LORD has heard your affliction. He shall be a wild man; His hand shall be against every man, And every man’s hand against him. And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” Genesis 16:11-12
Abraham and Sarai got a little impatient waiting on a child of their own. It was customary among Mesopotamian peoples for a barren woman to have another woman serve as a surrogate. Sarai gets her maidservant to bear a child for Abraham and he is named Ishmael. This is important because the Arab peoples and therefore Islamic peoples of the Middle East trace their lineage back to Abraham through Ishmael. Hagar is told by an angel that Ishmael will give rise to a great nation that will fight with the world and the world against him. This is a perfect description of the Islamic movement. Muhammad started a campaign of taking the world by the sword and forcing the infidels to convert or be killed.
This is so interesting. You are teaching things that I never knew before although I have heard and read these stories before. I appreciate what you do.