Sunday, July 26, 2009

Chapter 3 Questions

We finished the handout from last week this morning and that puts us through chapter 3. Here are some questions to think about and I will post some responses in a couple of days.

1. If we don't have the original manuscripts how can we know that the wording of the books of the Bible is authentic?

2. How do some other famous pieces of ancient literature compare with the Bible when it comes to the number of copies and time gap from the original to the oldest copy we possess?

3. What is the earliest New Testament manuscript we have?

4. How many total New Testament manuscripts do we have and are any of them in the original language?

5. What is a variant reading and how serious are they when examining the New Testament?

6. The DaVinci Code claims that the Gospel of Thomas is more trust worthy than the Bible and that Jesus was a feminist, how would you respond to this?

7. Do you think books such as the Gospels of Thomas, Judas and Barnabas should have been included in the Bible? They can be found in collections such as "The Lost Books of the Bible".

Begin reading chapters 4 and 5 for next week. Have a blessed week and let me know if you have any questions.

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