Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Chapter 8 Discussion

Here are some responses to the Chapter 8 Discussion questions.

1. Some people respond that they think Christ was a great man with great talent but was a little off mentally when he thought he was God, how would you respond? We will see more specific responses in the following questions but my first response is what evidence is there to indicate insanity. Jesus responded in very normal, humble and compassionate ways. Even the instances of anger he showed we reasonable because He was angry that the less fortunate were being taken advantage of.

2. What are some characteristics of an emotionally unstable person from what you have observed? I see them as unkempt, very odd socially and usually display strange outbursts of emotion. The book points out dressing oddly, inappropriate emotions, unsuitable behavior and not able to carry on a logical conversation.

3. Do you think Jesus displayed any of these characteristics? Jesus was often approached as a Rabbi so his dress was probably that of a typical teacher. His teaching is respected world wide so obviously His conversation is quite logical. Some of the things He did were not understood until later but again even His anger was easily justified. I don't think an insane person could function in society as well as He did.

4. What do you think about the idea that Jesus used hypnosis to trick people into thinking he was God? Hypnosis is not that powerful. It only works in small groups on people willing to submit to it. Jesus could not have used hypnosis to control large crowds or convert skeptics such as his half brothers and Paul. Since Paul's conversion was after the crucifixion, the fact that Jesus hypnotized Paul as a ghost from the grave would be quite and awesome magic trick.

5. If Jesus was crazy then that would make him similar to David Karesh or Jim Jones, do you see any similarities of them with Christ? The only similarity is that they thought they were messiahs. Notice that in order to control their followers they withdrew into private communes. Jesus operated on the streets of society. They also committed cruel acts against their followers such as kidnapping, sexual molestation and ultimately forced suicide. Jesus only showed compassion and gave people free will to follow him or not.

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