Friday, August 21, 2009

Chapter 5

Well, I'm back for fall semester and getting back into the swing of things so maybe I can blog a little more regularly. I will be finishing the book in class this Sunday but will go ahead and post chapter material so you can continue to study at your own pace. Let me know if you need anything. Here are some discussion questions for chapter 5 and I will post responses in a few days.

1. Does archaeology generally agree or disagree with the Bible?

2. Have there been any archaeological discoveries that definitely disprove the Bible?

3. What are some examples that show that Luke told accurate history?

4. What is an example of John reporting accurate history?

5. Skeptics have said that Quirinius was not governor at the right time for Jesus' birth, how would you respond?

6. Skeptics said that Nazareth did not even exist in the first century so how can Jesus' biography be trusted, how would you respond?

7. If Matthew is the only record we have of Herod killing the babies can we trust this single source?

8. How does the Book of Mormon fair when tested against archaeological data?

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